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Has it been that long?

Someone commented to Sheila today that He liked the blog pages here, that made me realise that it's been ages since I added anything new here! Theres actually been lots going on but I've been so busy that I just forgot!!!

We've had some fascinating people in the Gallery recently including one man who actually has a fossil named after Him and I'm going to do a whole blog about Him soon.

This last weekend we covered over 700 miles in the Discovery combining buying new stock with a circular tour of the Lake District. We had great fun and have lots of new things to show at the shop, my favourites amongst which are some framed artifacts like bronze Bhuddas and statues of deities. There are lots of new necklaces in the £10 range and some beautiful new crystals which may take a while to process and put up on the website. I even managed to find some tumbled Haematite which nobody has had in ages and some tumbled magnetic Haematite which is great fun! Sheila has managed to stock up on most of the tumblestones that have been out of stock and they will all be going out on display shortly.

As for our 700 mile drive, well we drove along some of the highest passes in the UK and saw some amazing glacial landscapes all in the company of some of our best friends. Some of these roads are so narrow the Discovery only just fitted in them !

Created On  18 Jul 2012 22:26  -  Permalink


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